Technical problem
How do I wire the cables provided to use the Runcam HD for FPV?
RunCamHD's light is constant blue and doesn't work
Can RunCamHD video be recovered?
After my HD connects to the computer, it goes blue; when removed from computer, it’s unable to be turned on.
RunCam HD just blinks yellow after powering on, then blinks faster for a few secs, then off. What's the problem?
After turning on, blue light remains on continuously(no turning off, no yellow light follows), and the camera cannot record;if plugged into PC, removable disk cannot be recognized.
The RunCamHD can’t be recognized by PC.
My RunCam HD is turned on, then it blinks and goes dead
The RunCamHD won’t save the new configuration settings.
After long-time charging for the RunCamHD, green light is still on.
The RunCam HD won’t turn on or turn off.