When Thumb Pro could not be turned on and could not be recognized by PC, firmware flashing could also be done by following the steps.
1.Please download the icatch and "download" files first, unzip and install the driver. (They could be found at the bottom of article.
2.Then, disassemble the camera, and hook up a USB cable to the camera but don't plug it to the computer;
Use a pair of metal tweezers to make the 2 circled pins short-circuited, and with them shorted,
plug the USB cable to the computer.
Check at windows device manager, under USB Controllers, if there are two icatch entries, it means that the camera gets detected by the computer successfully, and you could remove the tweezers and go to the next step.
If there are no icatch devices displayed, it means that the computer does not detect and the short-circuiting is not successful. Please remove the USB cable from the computer, short the pins again and re-plug the cable into the computer.
It may need to try several times to make it short-circuited successfully
4. When you succeed in making it detected, go to the " Download" file folder that you unzipped earlier, run FRM.exe program.
Click "ISP" on the right side of the right portion.
Program will ask you to confirm, and please click “yes” to proceed
Let the program run till it displays "Finished".