1. Camera should be changed to Uart Control
The top left corner of the screen will shortly display the current control mode. The default is the Joystick control mode.
①Short the two camera control pins
②Then power on, the camera will auto-switch between the two modes.
③ The mode can be saved after power off. After switching to the desired mode, please unplug the short-circuit cable.
2.Conect the camera to Flight Controller
Connect the RX on the camera board to an unoccupied TX on your flight Controller and TX to RX as shown in below picture.
3.Connect to Speedy Bee APP
①find firmware updating on the homepage on the left side.
②Choose the right camera, wanted firmware version and flight controller version and then press the download button.
③Follow the APP guidance to finish the updating.
You may refer to this video: https://youtu.be/bqUOxLbbfy4