Runcam 2 won't turn off or do anything. The blue light stays on and the green light flashes?

According to the description, it shows that the camera can't recognize the lens module of the camera. Please try to open the case and reinstall the lens module of the camera.

If the problem persists, the lens module should be broken.

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    Paul Nelson

    I tried this, but the problem persists :\.

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    Andrew Zabel

    I tried many times to remove and install the module again - the problem does not go away, still flashing green quickly and the camera freezes ...
    as when installing cable charging the red LED is lit first, and then after 30 seconds begins to blink quickly

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    Andrew Zabel

    My video about this problem....

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    i have the same problem. reinstalling the module didn´t work

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    same problem reseating the lens module didn't work. 

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    Rubler Testa

    I'm having the same problem I've never used a camera, can anyone help?

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    Rubler Testa

    I threw my money in the trash buying this camera I did not use it once

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    Contact support, i did and they sent me a new camera in the post


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    John Johny

    I have the same problem please help me

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    John Johny

    The camera is new not use just one time

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    Same issue


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    this man solved our problem But i have same blinking after red led turn off on charge. why?

    Edited by Marco
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    Daniel Delaney

    I fixed it (at least for me).  The positive lead for the battery was almost disconnected(out of it's socket in the adapter from battery>runcam).  I used a pair of needle nose pliers to push it back in, and now it works great.