How to charge RunCam 2?

Charger Specification
Note:please choose a charger complying with specification below:
Rated Voltage Rated Current
5V~17V DC
Charged by a mobile phone charger or a power supply via USB is also available. 
Charging while recording
RunCam 2 supports charging while recording. However, run without battery is highly recommended when camera connects with power supply for a long time, it can extend the lifespan of the battery.

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  • Avatar
    Brian Ramsey

    Be helpfull to know if light is off or green when fully charged thank you

    Edited by Brian Ramsey
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    Alfredo Crolle


    using the provided usb cable for fpv by runcam2-4k, I asked myself several times if the battery must be in place (it may be useful because it keeps the date) or if it must be taken away from the camera while using it by usb osd fpv vtx mode.

    The usb connection is feeded by main quad power board, not the flight controller, so it should be ok for minimum assured amperage while recording on board sd card during flight.

    So, what do You think ?

    It is better to use camera with no battery ?

    Camera has some minor malfunction (does stop video while recording once in a while, and pc connection mode does not work anymore, it used to work in the beginning) but video recording is quite good, when it completes. I am also experimenting different mechanic setups, in order to see if vibrations could be the cause of malfunctions.

    I write this here because I am not sure if some electric damage occured because of usb connection for OSD InavFlight use (vtx).

    Electric values seem to be ok ...

    Thanks in advance if You give me some tip about this charging and connection problem...
