What to do if RunCam 5 Black/Orange could not scan the QR code at App?

Camera may fail to scan the code under these cases:

(1) Incorrect selected camera model

(2) Not enough brightness and distance

(3) Focusing issue


If RunCam 5 Orange/Black failed to scan the code, please follow the steps to solve.

Step 1: Check the selected camera model

There are 2 RunCam 5 models at RunCam App.


The black one is a previous version, which has been discontinued.

RunCam 5 Orange is an updated version, and the black color option has been available this year.

If your RunCam 5 Black has a number ”5” under the RunCam print, please select RunCam 5 Orange to proceed setting.



Step 2: Check brightness and distance

Please make sure the screen is bright enough for scanning, and keep the distance between camera and screen at least 5cm. User could also the camera to move a little bit if It doesn’t recognize the code.


Step 3: Check camera focusing

If the camera could not focus well, it is possible that scanning would be unavailable.

User could use the camera to record and check its footage.

Or connect it to the computer/laptop via a USB cable, using RunCam 5 Orange/Black as a webcam to check the focusing. For using as a webcam, please press the button after connecting, the computer/laptop would recognize it.


If the camera still has scanning or focusing issue, please send an email to run@runcam.com with providing a demo video or a footage clip, clear photos of camera from angles and invoice.

We would check and confirm, advicing as soon as possible.

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